To achieve the net zero emission target and strengthen the renewable energy industry, the Victorian Government is continuing to promote investment and support innovation through the release of Australia’s first technology strategy for Solar Victoria.
Stan Krpan, the CEO, Solar Victoria, officially launched the Solar Victoria Technology Guidelines at the annual Smart Energy Conference in Sydney. These guidelines suggest encouraging innovation, new business models and leveraging the solar programs to improve safety, quality and standards. They also outline the strategy and principles to effectively deliver Solar Homes Program and future initiatives introduced by Solar Victoria.
Also, these guidelines are designed to provide small scale solar industries with clear market signals to encourage investment and ensure customer satisfaction and safety at heart. They demonstrate how solar energy can be integrated into Victoria’s electricity system and prioritise the safety and quality of installations along with grid integration optimisation.
Solar Energy Technology Guiding Principles
To achieve the best quality and safety, guiding principles are supported by:
- Encouraging self-consumption of generated electricity
- Implementing eligibility criteria for industry minimum standards
- Promoting energy market participation
- Improved information and data governance
Example Program: Solar Victoria recently announced the Battery Aggregation Pilot Program that is a good example of guiding principles support for industry innovation. This program encourages the establishment of virtual power plants that are helpful in increasing the value of customer’s investment and improving customer engagement. They also contributed to grid stabilisation.
When it comes to innovation, the technology guidelines also consider stakeholder interest and investment. They support the Victorian Government’s record of $1.6 billion investment in the renewable energy and solar sector for continuous growth with a raft full of renewable energy initiatives and investments.